Data Centre and Substation Site Plan
Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Site Plan
Our Proposals
Manor Farm today
The Manor Farm site is owned by Manor Farm Propco Ltd, which is in turn owned by Tritax Big Box, a specialist infrastructure fund.
The majority of the 75 acre site is undeveloped Green Belt that will remain as open countryside, benefiting from a range of landscaping and ecological enhancements.
The 14 acre parcel of previously developed land to the North East of the site on Poyle Road is the proposed location for the datacentre and substation. This site is currently mainly covered in hardstanding and hosts a number of businesses relating to commercial vehicle storage & maintenance, van & truck hire and metal fabrication.
Our proposals
State-of-the-art datacentre in the north east corner of the site, designed to help meet a critical need for increased high-quality data capacity in the Thames Valley and provide critical infrastructure to attract investment, help businesses to prosper and encourage job creation.
Battery Energy Storage facility (delivered in partnership with a major utility) located further south along Poyle Road to the north of the Golden Cross pub. The battery facility will add flexibility, security and resilience to the electricity supply, helping future-proof the local grid by integrating more renewable electricity.
Up to 90 full-time equivalent jobs created, plus up to 490 jobs during construction.
Sustainability initiatives to include roof-mounted solar panels, landscaping and ecological enhancements, with a significant reduction in vehicle traffic to and from the site.
£14 million a year estimated boost to the local economy, together with improved public access to the Arthur Jacob Nature Reserve via a proposed new footpath along the northern and western boundaries of Manor Farm.
Our Public Exhibition
Our Exhibition last Autumn was designed to give visitors the opportunity to
View the proposals
Meet project team members
Give feedback & ask questions
Exhibition Details
St Thomas’s Church
Vicarage Way
Colnbrook, SL3 OJY
4pm-8pm, Wednesday, 6 November
Please scroll down to see the exhibition boards that were presented.
Our Planning Application
The Manor Farm planning application was submitted in December 2024 and validated by Slough Borough Council on 2 January 2025. The council’s Planning committee will take its decision on whether to grant planning permission later in the year.
To view the planning application documents or to submit comments, please click here.
The planning application reference is P/10076/013.
Please scroll down to view the latest site plans and also a series of CGIs (Computer Generated Images) that we prepared for the planning application to show how the completed Data Centre building will look from several nearby viewpoints.
View towards the Data Centre building, looking North-West from Poyle Road.
Indicative view looking South along the proposed new public footpath beside the Data Centre.
View looking East from the datacentre office entrance looking towards Poyle Road.
View of the wider Manor Farm site.
Plan of the Data Centre.
Plan showing sustainability features.
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Indicative battery storage site in Walsall